Fagonia cretica Linn.


Synonym F. arabica Linn. (Correct name for Indian sp. is Fagonia schwefurthii Hadidi. F bruguieri DC. is not a synonym of F. cretica.)

Family Zygophyllaceae.


Habitat Western India, upper Gangetic plains and Peninsular India.

Ayurvedic Dhanvayaasa, Dhanvayavaasa, Dhanvayaasaka, Duraalabhaa, Samudraantaa. Gaandhaari, Kachhuraa, Anantaa, Duhsparshaa. (Aihagi pseudaihagi is used as a substitute for F cretica.)

Unani Dhamaasaa.

Action Astringent, antiseptic, blood-purifier and febrifuge. Applied to abscesses, scrofulous glands and wounds; also given as a prophylactic against smallpox. Bark—used for dermatosis

Extract of aerial parts—antiviral, antiamphetaminic, spasmogenic.

 Plant ash—given to children suffering from anaemia.

The aerial parts contain several tnterpenoid saponins which gave sap ogenin, nahagenin, oleanolic acid. Aerial parts also gave diterpenes, fagonone and its derivatives, besides flavonoids.

The flavonoids, quercetin and kaempferol, isolated from the leaves and flowers, showed antimicrobial activity. The fruits are rich in ascorbic acid.

Dosage: Whole plant—50—100 ml decoction.