Acacia arabica Willd. var. indica Benth.
Unani _ Kanghi, Musht-ul-Ghaul,
Siddha/Tamil _ Thutthi.
Folk _ Kanghi, Kakahi, Kakahiyaa.
Action _ Dried, whole plant—
febrifuge, anthelmintic, demulcent,
diuretic, anti-inflammatory (in
urinary and uterine discharges,
piles, lumbago). Juice of the plant—
emollient. Seeds—demulcent
(used in cough, chronic cystitis),
laxative. Leaves—cooked and
eaten for bleeding piles. Flowers—
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory.
Bark—astringent, diuretic. Root—
nervine tonic, given in paralysis;
also prescribed in strangury.
Along with other therapeutic applications,
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
of India indicates the use of the root in
gout, polyuria and haemorrhagic diseases.
The plant contains mucilage, tannins,
asparagines, gallic acid and sesquiterpenes.
Presence of alkaloids,
leucoanthocyanins, flavonoids, sterols,
triterpenoids, saponins and cardiac
glycosides is also reported.
Asparagine is diuretic. Gallic acid
is analgesic. Mucilages act by reflex,
loosen cough as well as bronchial tension.
Essential oil—antibacterial, antifungal.
The drug exhibits immunological
activity. It augments antibody in
animals. EtOH (10%) extract of A.
indicum ssp. guineense Borssum, synonym