Caesalpinia digyny Rottl.

Family Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat Bengal, Assam and Andamans up to 1,000 m.

English Ten Pods.

Ayurvedic Vaakeri.

Siddha/Tamil Nunigatcha.

Action : Root—astringent and

antipyretic, used in phthisis and

scrofulous affections.

The roots gave a phenolic compound vakerin, identical with bergenin. The ethanol-water extract of roots inhibits the growth of Myco bacterium tuberculosis.

The pods contain 28% tannin (without seeds, more than 54%). The bark contains 28% tannin (without seeds, more than 54%). The tannin is pure gallo-tannin and gallic acid.

Dosage Root—2—3 g powder.