Caesalpinia puicherrima

Family Caesalpiniaceae.

Habitat Cultivated in gardens throughout India.

English Barbados Pride, Peacock Flower.

Ayurvedic Padangam, Ratnagandhi, Krishnachuudaa.

Siddha/Tamil Mayirkonrai, Nalal. Folk Guleturaa, Sankeshwara.

Action Leaves—laxative, antipyretic. Used in Eastern India as a substitute for senna. Dried and powdered leaves are used in erysipelas. Flowers—anthelmintic. Also used for cough and catarrh. Root—a decoction is prescribed in intermittent fevers. Bark— emmenagogue, abortifacient.

The plant contains a flavonoid, myricitroside. The leaves, flowers and fruits contain tannins, gums, resin, benzoic acid. Presence of cyanidin3,5-diglucoside is also reported from the flowers, hydrocyanic acid from the leaves. The root contains caesalpin type diterpenoids along with sitosterol.

The leaves have displayed anticancer activity in laboratory animals. A diterpenoid, isolated from the root, also showed anticancer activity.

In Pakistan, the leaf and flower extract exhibited activity against Gram- positive bacteria.