Cajanus cajan (Linn.) Millsp.
Synonym C. indicus Spreng. Family Papilionaceae; Fabaceae. Habitat Cultivated as pulse crop,
chiefly in Madhya Pradesh, Bthar, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka.
English Pigeon Pea, Red Gram.
Ayurvedic Aadhaki, Tuvari, Tuvara, Shanapushpikaa.
Unani Arhar.
Siddha/Tamil Thuvarai.
Action Green leaves are considered hypocholesterolaemic. Pulse shows cholesterol and phospholipid lowering effect (reported to cause flatulence). A paste of leaves with salt and water, is taken on an empty stomach for jaundice. Leaves are used in diseases of the mouth, and topically for treating measles and other eruptions.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India indicated the use of the seed in lipid disorders and obesity; externally for promoting breast development, and attributed blood purifying properties to the root.
Amino acid analysis of the seed extract showed that phenylalanine (26.3% of the total amino acids) is responsible for about 70% of the anti- sickling potency of the seed extract.
Seeds also contain riboflavin and pyridoxine. Root bark contains isoflavones, sterols, triterpenoids, flavones, anthraquinone derivatives. Plant also contains an isoflavone, cajanol.
The aqueous extract of leaves showed vasodilatory effect in experimental animals.
Unroasted nuts had hypoglycaemic effect in mice; roasted seeds, in contrast, had a hyperglycaemic effect. (Sharon M. Herr.)
Dosage Root—3—4 g powder