Calophyllum inophyllum Linn.
Family Guttferae; Clusiaceae.
Habitat Coastal regions, particularly Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra and the Andamans. Also cultivated as an ornamental tree.
English Indian Laurel, Alexandrian Laurel.
Ayurvedic Punnaaga, Tunga,
Sultaan champaa, Naagchampaa, Raajchampaa.
Siddha/Tamil Punnai, Punnagam.
Action Oil of seeds—specific for scabies and other skin diseases, and for rheumatism. Used in the treatment of genitourinary and
venereal diseases. Bark—juice is taken as purgative; pounded with water is applied in orchitis, and for dressing ulcers. Root bark— antibacterial, used for indolent ulcers. Leaf—used in vertigo and migraine, also for chicken pox, skin inflammations, scabies, sunburn. Flowers and stamens—used as a substitute for Naagakesara (Mesua ferrea Linn.)
The root bark and heartwood contain xanthones. The xanthones exhibited anti-inflammatory activity in rats against carrageenan-induce oedema; also CNS depressant activity. Jacareubin and 6-deoxy derivatives exhibited antiulcer activity in rats.
Calophyllolide, a complex 5-Ph- coumarin isolated from nuts, showed antiarrhythmic (as effective as quinidine), bradycardiac coronary dilator, and anticoagulant, also anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic activity.
Dosage Leaf, flower, bark—3—5 g powder; 50—100 ml decoction.