Eranda-Ricinus communis


Eranda-Ricinus communis

Eranda-Ricinus communis

Ricinus communis Linn.
Family Euphorbiaceae.

Habitat Cultivated chiefly in
Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Orissa.

English Castor seed.
Ayurvedic Eranda, Chitrabija,
Triputi; Tribija, Vaataari,
Chanchu, Manda, Uruvaka,
Gandharva-hastaa, Panchaangula,
Vardhamaana, Uttaanpatraka,
Vyaaghrapuchha, Chitraa.

Unani Bedanjeer, Arand.
Siddha/Tamil Ammanakku.
Action Oil from seeds and young


Eranda-Ricinus communis

leaf—purgative. Oil is used in
dermatosis and eczema. Leaves— used as poultice to extract the worm.
Root—a decoction is administered for lumbago and allied complaints. Bark—purgative.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India
recommends the decoction of the dried,mature root in rheumatism, pain
in the urinary bladder, lumbago, diseases of the abdomen and inflammations; fresh leaf in helminthiasis, dysuria,
arthritis, pain in the urinary bladder, dysuria, abscesses; dried seed powder in constipation, rheumatism, diseases of the liver and spleen, piles, lumbago, sciatica.


Eranda-Ricinus communis

The root extract exhibited significant
anti-inflammatory activity against
carrageenan-, bradykinin-,  dextran-induced rat hind pawoedema. N-Demethylricinine showed dose-dependent
anticholestatic and hepatoprotective activities in rats.
Castor oil, derived from the seeds, is a well-known purgative (dose 5– 15 ml). Castor seed contains toxic components  which are highly poisonous to human beings and animals.
The principal toxic substance is the albumin,
ricin. Allergens and a feebly toxic alkaloid ricinine is also present. An ulcerative factor in the seed is reported.
Like other toxalbumins, ricin agglutinizes the mammalian red bleed corpuscles. (Ricin loses its toxicity and antigenic action on treatment with potassium permanganate.)
Castor oil consists principally of ricinoleic acid. Stearic, oleic, linoleic and dihydroxystearic acids are present in small amounts. It is a  strong laxative.






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