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Aganttu roga (traumatic diseases)


Aganttu roga (traumatic diseases) :—

Those diseases produced by bhãta (evil spirits, bacteria, parasites, insects and other living Lings), via (poisons), air (hurricane, cyclone), agni (fire, electricity, radiation etc.) kata (injury, wounds etc.), bhanga (fracture of bones) etc., as also those due to rãga (desire, lust), dvesa , bhaya (fear) etc. are all known as Agantu—diseases (arising from external causes).

Sarvaroga Samanya chikits—(general treatment for all diseases) :—

Avoidance of improper activates  (of the body, mind and speech by willful trarsgreion of rules), control of the senses, remembering previous expetiances (and acting rightly), good knowkdge of the land (Habitat). time (season, age) and the self (and their importance to health), adherence to rules of good (moral) conduct, conduct of propithiry rites as prescribed in the Atharva veda, worshipping  planets, not touching (not coming in contact directly) the bhutas (evil spirits, bacteria; insects and other creatures)—these are in brief enumerated here, as the plan (means, methods) to prevent the onset of diseases-both nija (organic) and ägañtu (traumatic)—and also for the cure  of those (diseases) which have already arisen.

           The accumilation of doas arising from cold (season) should be expelled out during vasanta (sprig); that arising from grisma (sumer) should be expelled during abhrakäla (varsä. rainy season); that arising from varsha (rainy season) be expelled during  (ardra-, autumn) and effectively. By this, people will not become victims of diseases born (by the effect) of the seasons.
      He, who indulges daily in healthy foods and activities, who discriminates (the good and bad of evezything and then acts wisely), who is not attached (too much) to the objects of the senses, who develops the habit of charity, of considering all as equal (requiring kindness), of truthfulness, of pardoning and keeping company of good persons , becomes free from all diseases.