Ajirna bkedas-(different kinds of indigestion) :-

Ajirna bkedas-(different kinds of indigestion) :-

                From kapha (increased) arises ãmajirna (a kind of Indigestion) characterized with swelling of the eyes (socket) and cheeks, similar to those which come up immediately after meals, excess salivation, nausea and feeling of heaviness of the body.
Vithabdhäjiriia (another kind of indigestion) arises from (increased anila väta) and is characterized by pain in the abdomen, constipation flatulence and debility.
      Vidaghajirna (another kind of indigestion) arises from (increased) pitta and has thirsts fainting, giddiness, sour belching and burning sensation inside as its symptoms.
Ajirna cikitsa-(treatment of indigestion). For amajiriia, Ianghana ( fasting) should be done; for viabdha, swedana (sudation therapy) should be done in greater measure; for vidagdha, vamana (emesis therapy) should be done, or any therapy appropriate tothe stage of the disease can be done


        (another kind of indigestion) occurs due to profound accumulation of ama inside the channels, it is produced jointly by kapha and vata and has all the symptoms of ama; its treatment also is similar to it (that of ama).
Lack of enthusiasm (in all activities), discomfort in the region of the) heart inspire of pure belching are the features of rasaesajiriia (another kind of indigestion). Such a person should sleep for some time during day without eating anything.
Patients of indigestion (of any type) should sleep during day without taking any food, later, when be develops hunger he should eat little quantity of easily digestible food.
Ajirna samanya laksana

(general symptoms of indigestion) :- Non-elimination or excess of elimination (of faces urine and dosas exhaustion, inactivity of vãta, distension of the abdomen, feeling of heavyness and giddiness are the general symptoms of Ajirna (indigestion).

Ajirna anyakarani-(other causes of indigestion) :-

(partaking of) large quantity of food, is not the onLy cause for production of ama dosa; foods which are disliked, which cause flatulence, which are over-cooked or uncooked, which are not easily digestible, which are dry (powdery), very cold, dirty (contaminated) which cause burning sensation during digestion, which are dried up or soaked in more water, do not undergo proper digestion; so also the food partaken by persons afflicted with grief, anger, hunger etc.

Dustajirna-(bad kinds of diet) :-
Consuming suitable and unsuitable foods mixed together is known as Samaana, Consuming large quantity of good even before the previous meal is digested constitutes Adhyaana, consuming less or more quantity at improper time is Visamana,-all these three either cause death or give rise to dreaded diseases.

Kumkum / safron - Crocus sativus

 Medicinal Plant / herbs

Crocuses belong to the family Iridaceae. The saffron crocus is classified as Crocus sativus, It is a shrub. Leaves are seen towards the base of the stem and are compactly arranged.Read More about safron.....