Dadhi—(curds/soured )

Dadhi—(curds/soured )

          Dadhi is sour both in taste and also at the end of digestion, water absorbent (causing constipation), hard to digest, hot (in potency), mitigates väta, increases fat, semen, strength, sleshma (kapha), pitta, rakta, agni (digestive activity) produces oedema (dropsy), improves taste (or appetite), is ideal for use in loss of taste, intermittent fever associated with cold (rigors), chronic rhinitis, dysurea; devoid of its fat, it is ideal in diseases of the duodenum.
               It should not be eaten at nights, not made hot, not in spring, summer, and autumn; even in other seasons, without the addition of soup of mudga (green-gram), kaudra (honey), ghrta (ghee, butterfat), sitopala (sugar candy) and amalaka; it should not be partaken daily nor when it is not well formed, otherwise it will cause fever, bleeding diseases,

visarpa (herpes); kutha (leprosy and other skin diseases), pandu (anaemia) and bhrama (giddiness).

Takra—( butter milk removed of its fat)

        Takra (buttermilk) is easily digestable, astringent and sour in taste, kindles hunger, mitigates kapha and vãta, and cures dropsy, enlargement of the abdomen, haemorrhoids, duodenal diseases, dysurea, loss of taste (appetite), enlargement of spleen, abdominal tumor, complications arising from excess consumption of ghee (during oleation therapy), artificial poisons and anaemia.

      Hemadri, the commentator, clarifies, that takra is inathita dadhi ( well churned curd/coagulated milk ), it is of two kinds, sajala (mixed with water) and nirjala (unmixed with water); sajala (water diluted) is again of two kirds, sasneha ( with fat ) and asneha (without fat ).

Mastu (whey watery part of curds) :—

Mastu (watery part of curds) is similar (to takra) in properties helps easy movement of bowels cleanses the channels and relieves constipation.

Navanita (butter)

       Fresh navanita (buttur) is aphrodisiac, cold (in potency), improves colour (complexion of the skin), strength and digestion, absorbs water, cures disorders of väta, pitta, consumption, heamorrhoids, facial paralysis and cough; butter obtained from milk is water absorbent, cures bleeding diseases and disease of the eye.

Ghrita (ghee/butter fat)

          Ghtta is ideal for improving intelligence; memory, ingeneity, keenness of digestion, Long life, semen (sexual vigour), and eye sight, for children, the aged, those who desire more children, tenderness of the body, and pleasant voice, for those suffering from emaciation as a result of injury to chest (Lungs), parisarpa (herpes), injury from weapons, and fire, disorders of vãta and pitta origin, poison, insanity, consumption, inauspicious activity (witchcraft, etc.) and fevers; is best among fatty materials (for oleation and other therapies), cold (in potency), best for retaining of youth; capable of giving a thousand good effects by a thousand kinds of processing.

Purana ghrta (ghee old by ten years), cures intoxication, epilepsy, fainting, diseases of the head, ear, eye and vagina; cleanses and heals of the wounds. 40.

Kilãta, piyua, kürcika, morana, etc. are strengthening, increase the semen, sleep and kapha, cause constipation, heavy
(hard to digest) and aggravate the dosas.

   Kilãta is the solid portion obtained after heating curds or buttermilk, piyusa is the milk of cow which has just given with to a calf, upto a period of about three days or tilt the milk becomes thin; kürcika is the solid portion obtained after heating buttermilk while morana (or morata) is the sour, thin liquid portion.



Kumkum / safron - Crocus sativus

 Medicinal Plant / herbs

Crocuses belong to the family Iridaceae. The saffron crocus is classified as Crocus sativus, It is a shrub. Leaves are seen towards the base of the stem and are compactly arranged.Read More about safron.....