Several etiological factors contributing to diseases and the vitiation of dosha attack the body every now and then. Some of them can be avoided by adopting proper precautionary measures while some factors like kala, krimi, desa etc. are mostly inevitable.
If the body’s power of resistance i.e. vyadhikshamatva is high and dhatus, srothas and agni are functioning well the body fights against etiological factors successfully there by maintaining its health. But of the etiological factors are stronger than the resistance power of the body they vitiate the dosha and indirectly the dushya also and the process of disease starts.
The roga has five means of diagnosis. They are nidana (cause), rupa (signs& symptoms), upasaya (diagnostic test) and samprapthi (mode of manifestation of disease).

According to VAGBHATA

All the stages from the very contact of the body with hethus to the development of disease including all its avasthas are together called samprapthi of disease.

Samprapthi is also called gathi and agathi.
Every fact connected with a process of the disease at its various stages is considered in detail under samprapthi. Hence a knowledge of samprapthi forms essence of nidana panchaka and vikrithi vijnana.
The outcome of samprapthi i.e. the disease is the resultant effect of the war b/w the factors which fight against the disease and those which produce the disease. When the factors like dosha, dushya, desa, bala, kala, agni, prakruthi, age, power of mind, diet and behavior remain favorable to health they fight against the disease. But when the factors are unfavorable they help the formation of disease and also its severity.
In the definition of samprapthi
Vagbhata:- emphasized the importance of nature and manner of vitiation of doshas as also the nature and manner of vitiation of its spread inclusive of the role of dhatus and srothases.
Susrutha:- stresses the importance of deformity and vitiation of dhatus and srothases.
Madhava & Charaka: - also attach importance to the same aspect, but they stress more on the site of pathology i.e. the particular organ of the body.
The importance of srothas lies in the fact that the same dosha can produce different types of diseases according to the srothas or the particular organ i.e. the site in the body it gets lodged where there is a deformed and vitiated site in the srothas.
Vagbhata has explained this fact cling the e.g. of kapha and pitta which produce different diseases according to the nature of the site or srothas and the dhatu concerned.


When it becomes lodged in the skin it produces stiffness and whitishness of the skin it produces pandu (anemia) when it is lodged in blood; when lodged in mamsa it produces tumours , cold abscess, heaviness and sensation of being bound with the wet skin of a dead animal. When kapha is lodged in meda it produces obesity or medoroga and prameha, when it enters bones it produces stiffness, whitishness of the eye is caused when it enters the majja. When kapha enters sukra it causes accumulation of sukra, or its obstruction and gurutwa in sukra. When it enters the siras like the blood vessels, lymphatics etc. It produces stillness in the respective organs. It causes pain in joints when it enters the tendons and ligaments(snayu) and distention of the abdomen, lack of taste , indigestion etc, When it penetrates mahakoshta.

When pitta affects the skin it causes blisters, small pox etc. When it enters the blood it produces visarpa or erysipelas or burning; in mamsa it cause inflammation or digestion of tissues and gangrene formation, in meda it products as burning sensations accompanied by excessive thirst and perspiration. When it enters bones it causes excessive burning sensation and yellow colouration in the eyes and nails. When it eners majja dhatu, shukra becomes yellowish with a foul smell. When pitta enters koshta it causes mada thirst and burning.

Vata being a farmless entity it cannot produce a variety of diseases in each of its sthanas or sites, as kapha and pitta do. Vata produces vatavyadhis of that particular site or organ. In the joints it produces Sandhi vata, in majja dhatu kampa (trimors), stamba (stillness) etc. and in mamsa, sula or pain.
Knowledge of dushya vitiation is as imp as that o dosa vitiation. When the intimity of the vitiation of dhatu and srothas increases and when the more evolved dhatus like asthi, majja & sukra are affected the gravity of the disease also increases.





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