sarat charya —(regimen during autumn)

  sarat charya —(regimen during autumn)
                  In persons who have become accustomed to the cold of varsha (rainy season), getting exposed suddenly to the warm rays of the sun, the pitta, which has undergone increase in their bodies during varsa ( rainy season ) becomes greatly aggravated (increased) during sarat (autumn). In order to get over it, tikta ghta (medicated ghee recipe described in the treatment of kapha of Cikitsã sthana), purgation therapy and blood letting should be resorted to.
        When hungry (greedy) the person should take foods which are of bitter, sweet and astringent tastes, and easily digestable such as äli ( rice ), mudga (green-gram ), sitã ( sugar), dhatri ( amalaka ), paotola, madhu ( honey), and meat of animals of desert-like lands.
              The water which gets heated by the hot rays of the sun during day and gets cooled by the coo) rays of the moon during night, for many days continues, which has been de-poisoned (detoxicated) by the rise of the star Agastya, which is pure, uncontaminated and capable of mitigating the malas (dosãs) is known as Hamthsodaka, It is neither abhiyandi (producing more secretions or moisture inside the minute channels so as to block them) nor dry (causing dryness by non-production of sufficient moistness in the channels), such water is like amrta ( nector) for drinking and other purpose.
 Evenings should be spent on the terraces of houses which are white (by painting), anointing the body with the paste of candana, usira, and karpür, wearing garlands of pear's and shinning dress and enjoying the moonlight.
               Exposure to snow (mist), indulgence in alkaline substances, satiation with hearty meal, use of dadhi (curds), taila (oil), vas (muscle—fat). exposure to sunlight, strong liqucis sleeping at day time and the eastern breeze-should be avoided (in this season )
 During sita (hemanta and sisira-winter and dewy season) and varsã (rainy season) the first three rasas (tastes such as sweet, sour and salt) should be made use of especially; the last three rasas (tastes such as bitter, pungent and astringent); during vasanta (spring season), svâdu (sweet) during  (summer); and swãdu, tikta and kasãya (sweet, bitter and astringent) during sarat (autumn); the food and drink should be dry ( moisture less, fatless ) during arat and vasanta (autumn and spring), and cold during gharma (summer) and ghananta (end of rainy season) and its opposite (i.e. hot) in other (seasons).
 The habit of using all the (six) tastes every day is ideal (for maintenance of health) except during special seasons, when
 particular tastes suitable to the respective season should be used more.

Kumkum / safron - Crocus sativus

 Medicinal Plant / herbs

Crocuses belong to the family Iridaceae. The saffron crocus is classified as Crocus sativus, It is a shrub. Leaves are seen towards the base of the stem and are compactly arranged.Read More about safron.....