Adaya sangraha—(chapters of the treatise) - Astanga hridya


Adaya sangraha—(chapters of the treatise) - Astanga hridya

1. Ayuskamiya (desire for long 1ife), 2. dinacarya (daily regimen), 3. tucary (seasonal regimen), 4. roganutpadaniya (prevention of diseases), 5. dravadravya vijnaniya (knowledge of liquid materials), 6. annaswarupa vijnaniya (knowledge of nature of foods), 7. annarasak (protection of food), 8. mãtrâsitiya (determination of quantity of food), 9. dravydi vijñãniya (knowledge of substances etc), 10. rasabhediya (classification of tastes), 11. dosãdi vijnãniva (knowledge of dosäs etc.), 12. dosabhediya (classification of dosãs etc.), 12. dosapakrama  (treatment of dosãs), 14. dwi-vidohpakramaniya (the two kinds of treatments) 15. oushandi gana samgraha (collection of purificatory drugs etc.), 16 sneha vidhi (oleation therapy), 17. swedavidhi (sudation therapy), 18. vamanavirecana vidhi (emesis and purgation therapy), 19. bastividhi (enema therapy), 20. nasya vidhi (nasal medication therapy), 21. dhüma päna vidhi (inhalation of fume therapy), 22. gandushadi vidhi (mouth gargle and such other therapies), 23. Acyotana-anjana vidhi (eye-wash and such other therapies), 24. tarpana-putapaka vidhi (therapies for the eyes), 25. yantravidhi (use of blunt instruments and appliances), 26. astravidhi (use of sharp instruments etc.), 27. sirävyadha vidhi (venesection), 28. salyaharanavidhi (removal of foreign bodies), 29. astrakarma vidhi (surgical procedures) and 30. ksaragnikarma vidhi (Caustic alkali and fire therapies these thirty chapters form the Sutrasthana. ).

1. Garbhvakranti (formation of the embryo), 2. garbhavyäpt (disorders of pregnant woman and the new born), 3. angavibhãga (human body and its parts), 4. marmvibhgiya (classification of vulnerable spots), 5.vikriti vijiniya (knowledge of bad prognostic features), 6. düiãda vijnaniya (knowledge of the messenger etc.)—these six form the Sarirasthäna.

1. Sarvaroga nidãna (causes and methods of diagnosis of all diseases, 2. jwara nidãna (diagnosis of fevers), 3. raktapitta, käsa nidana (diagnosis of bleeding diseases and cough), 4. swãsa, hidhmã nidna (diagnosis of dyspnoea and hiccup),
5. rajayakmãdi nidãna (diagnosis of tuberculosis etc.),6. madãtyaya nidäna (diagnosis of alcoholic intoxication), 7. arso nidãna (diagnosis of piles), 8. atisära-graharniroga nidãna (diagnosis of diarrhoea and deuodenal disorders), 9. mutraghata nidäna (diagnosis of suppression of urine), 10. prameha nidäna ( diagnosis of diabetes ), 11. vidradhi, etc. (gulma), nidäna (diagnosis of abscess, hernia and abdominal tumors), 12. udara nidäna (diagnosis of enlargement of the abdomen),
13. panduroga-kamala-sopha-visarpa) nidäna (diagnosis of anaemia, dropsy, and erysipelas), 14. kushta  nidna (diagnosis of leprosy, leucoderma and worms), 15. vatavyadhi
nidna (diagnosis of diseases caused by väta, nervous diseases) and 16. vãtäsonita nidãna (diagnosis of gout)—these sixteen chapters form the Nidãna sthãna.

1. Jvara cikitsã (treatment of fevers), 2. raktapitta cikitsa (treatment of bleeding disease), 3. kãsa cikitsã (treatment of cough), 4. svãsa-hidhma cikitsã (treatment of dyspnoea and hiccup), 5. rajayakmadi cikitsã (treatment of tuberculosis etc.), 6. chardi hridroga cikitsã (treatment of vomitting, heart diseases and thirst), 7. madatyayadi cikitsa (treatment of alcoholic intoxication etc. ), 8. arsa cikitsã (treatment of piles), 9. atisra cikitsa (treatment of diarrhoea), 10 grahanidosa cikitsä (treatment of disorders of the deuodenum), 11. mütrghata cikitsä. (treatment of suppression of urine), 12. prameha cikitsä (treatment of diabetes), 13. vidradhi-vrddhi cikitsä (treatment of abscess and hernia), 14. gulma cikitsä (treatment of abdominal tumour), 15. udara cikitsa (treatment of enlargement of the abdomen), 16. panduroga cikitsa (treatment of anaemia), 17. swayathu cikitsä (treatment of dropsy), 18. visarpa cikitsã (treatment of herpes), 19. kushta cikitsã (treatment of leprosy and other skin disorders), 20. vitrakrimi cikitsã (treatment of leucoderma and worms), 21. vätavydhi cikitsä (treatment of diseases caused by vata-nervous diseases), 22. vãtãsonita cikitsã. (treatment of gout )—these twenty two chapters form the cikitsã sthãna.

24. Siro roga pratiedha (treatment of diseases of the head.), 25. vranapratiedha (treatment of ulcers),26. sadyovrarna pratiedha (treatment of traumatic wounds), 27. bhagna pratiedha (treatment of fractures), 28. bhagaundara pratiedba (treatment of flstula-in-ano), 29. granthi-a rbuda-1ipada apaci-iacli vijñaniya (diagnosis of tumors, cancer, filariasis, goiter and sinus ulcers), 30. granthi-arbudaslipada-apaci-nadi pratiedha (treatment of tumors,filariasis, goitre and sinus ulcers), 31. khudra roga vijnäniya (diagnosis of minor diseases), 32. ksudra roga pratiedha (treatment of minor diseases), 33. guhya roga vijnaniya (diagnosis of venereal diseases), 34. guhyaroga pratiedha (treatment of venial diseases), 35. visa pratiedha (treatment of diseases due to poisons), 36. sarpavisa pratiedha (treatment of snakebite), 37. kita-lutadi visa pratiedha (treatment of bites of insects, spiders etc.), 38. müsika-alarka visa pratiedha (treatment of bites of mouse, rabid dg, etc.), 39. rasâyana vidhi (rejuvinatory therapies) and 40. vaijikarana vidhi (nourishment of reproductive tissue or aphrodisiac therapy)these forty chapters form the Uttara sthãna.




Kumkum / safron - Crocus sativus

 Medicinal Plant / herbs

Crocuses belong to the family Iridaceae. The saffron crocus is classified as Crocus sativus, It is a shrub. Leaves are seen towards the base of the stem and are compactly arranged.Read More about safron.....