Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla)




Priyangu – Callicarpa macrophylla is a species of beautyberry native to the Indian subcontinent. Its fruits are small white berries that actually are drupes. The fruit is edible and can be eaten raw when it ripens. The seeds are poisonous. The leaves can also be used to make a herbal drink or as decorations.

 Callicarpa macrophylla is an Ayurvedic coolant herb used for the treatment of headache, diarrhea mixed with blood (Ulcerative colitis), general debility, fever, pain in the joints, skin diseases etc. 


Latin name- Callicarpa Macrophylla Vahl.
Family- Verbenaceae

Names in different languages:

Hindi  name                          : Phalini, Daya

English name                        : Beutyberry
Bengali name                        : Matara, Mathara
Gujarati name                       : Priyangu
Kannada name                     : Priyangu,Gandhapriyangu
Malayalam name                 : Gawhla, Nalal, Jativruksha
Marathi name                       : Garhala
Punjabi name                        : Priyang, Sumali
Tamil name                           : Ittauduga, Vettilai pattai, Seembakulthu
Telugu name                         : Kodauduga

Oriya                                     : Priyangu


Sanskrit synonyms:

Gandhaphali- The fruit has a strong odor

Phalini- The plant bears many fruits
Asthibandhana- Binds the bones together
Gochandana, Shyama, Pitatandula, Karamba, Priya, Durjara, Kanta, Priyahva, Vanita, Lata, Shyama, Godantini,
Kanguni, Kangu, Priyavalli, Vrutta, Govandani, Karambha, Varnabhedani, Mahilahvaya, Vishvak Senangana Priya, Bhangura, Mangalya, Shreyasi




Morphology of Callicarpa macrophylla:

Spreading shrub, about 5-15 ft tall. Stem brown, thin smooth, stem and branches obtusely 4 angular, young parts stellately woolly, glabrous when mature, annulate nodes, internodes 1-5 cm long, Leaves opposite, simple, lanceolate-elliptic or lanceolate-oblong, 10-24 x 3-10 cm across, base acute, margin crenate-serrate except near the base and apex, acuminate at the apex, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, dark green sparsely pubescent on the dorsal side, densely pubescent, grayish-green stellate tomentose beneath, stellate-pubescent along the veins, lateral veins 10-16 on either side of the midrib, arcuate at margins, impressed above and prominent beneath, petiole slender, robust, canaliculated, about 0.4-2 cm long, tomentose, exstipulate. Inflorescence in corymbs, axillary, dichotomously branched, peduncle 2-3 cm long, obtusely 4 angular, stellate-pubescent, bracts linear, Flowers bisexual, numerous, fragrant, calyx cupular, weakly 4 lobed, teeth acute, densely stellate-pubescent outside, corolla infundibular, 4 lobed, rose pink, lobes subequal, obovate, corolla tube narrow, about 2 mm long, pubescent, stamens 4 exserted, inserted near the base of corolla, filaments filiform, anthers oblong, ovary superior, globose, 4 lobed, 4 loculed, 1 ovule in each locule, about 0.5 mm long, style glabrous, stigma capitate, Fruit drupe, globose or subglobose about 2-2.5 mm in diameter, succulent, green and white or purple when ripe.


a) Macroscopic

Inflorescence - Cymose, densely clothed with wooly hairs; 2.5-7.5 cm across, peduncle
cylindrical, 1.5 - 3 mm in dia; densely hairy.
Flower - 0.5 cm long; brown, calyx, bell-shaped, 4 toothed covered with wooly hairs;
corolla, brown, tubular, 4 lobbed spreading; stamens 4, equal in size, epipetalous, anther
ovate, basifixed; filament very long, hairy; ovary 2-4 celled; style, long; stigma minutely

b) Microscopic

Peduncle - Shows more or less wavy outline, epidermis single layered with stellate hairs;
cortex composed of 10-18 layers of elliptical, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, a few
upper layers filled with reddish-brown contents; pericycle appears in the form of
interrupted ring of pericyclic fibres; phloem composed of usual elements except phloem 
fibres; xylem consists of usual elements; vessels mostly solitary with spiral thickening; fibres aseptate.

Powder - Brown; shows abundant numbers of stellate hairs, spiral vessels, aseptate
fibres, groups of thin-walled, elliptical, oval and round pollen grains with clear exine
and yellowish in colour.



According to classical reference of Bheda:

Two types:

1. Dhanyapriyangu – Setaria italica is source of food grain. Dhanya means grain. Hence, this is considered as Dhanya Priyangu (also called Aushadha priyangu).

2. Gandhapriyangu – Prunus mahaleb, Algaia roxburghiana mig, Callicarpa tomentose (L.) murray


It is found in North - eastern pieces of India and at 3000 ft in Himalayan area. Found in town greenery and nurseries all through north - east India, west Bengal – bountiful plant.


Callicarpa macrophylla medicinal properties:

Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet)

Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light for digestion), Ruksha (Dry in nature)
Vipaka –  Katu (Undergoes Pungent taste after digestion)
Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
Karma (Actions) – Tridosha shamaka (Balances down all the three doshas)




Part used- Flower, Bark, Root
Powder- 3 to 5 g

Decoction- 30 to 40 ml

Callicarpa macrophylla Chemical constituents:

Oil from root is aromatic and stomachic. Calliterpenone (3-0X0-13β – Karane- 16α   , A –diol)   and its acetate are seen in seeds, leaves and aerial parts. Crategolic acid, 2α – hydroxyursolic acid, ursolic acid, β-Sitosterol, β-D-glucoside, apigenin, luteolin, their 7-0-glucuronides 3, 3’-7 trime thoxy-4’, 5- dihydroxy-flarone (CNF-1) L(t)- α- amino- β-(P-methoxyphenyl), Propronic acid, C22 –C24 fatty acids, ethyl ester of C23 fatty acid are obtained from leaves. A new diterpenoid- Isopropylidenocalliterpenone is isolated from essential oil of leaves along with calliterpenone and its monoacetate and characterized as 16α, 17-Iso propylideno-3-oxo-phyllocladane.

Medicinal Uses of Priyangu:      


  • The berries are profoundly astringent however are made into wine and jam.
  • The glue of the bark is applied over brow to treat migraine.
  • The powder of the bark of Priyangu is utilized for focusing on the gums to treat gum disease and utilized face pack to improve the appearance of the face.
  • The powder of the bark is utilized as cleaning powder to control the seeping from wounds.
  • The decoction of the bark of Callicarpa macrophylla is given in a portion of 30-40 ml to stop inside seeping in instances of peptic ulcer, interior heaps.
  • The cool implantation of the bark or foundation of Callicarpa macrophylla is given in a portion of 50 ml to treat fever and consuming impression of the body.
  • The dried powder of Priyangu 92 to 3 g) is invigorated with milk to improve the of the body.
  • The glue of the bark is applied remotely to treat skin illnesses.
  • The chilly mixture of the bark or root is given in a portion of 40 ml which goes about as blood purifier.
  • Oil prepared with leaf or bark of Priyangu is applied over the joints having growing and agony.





Shitada Priyangu + Musta+ Triphala are made into paste applied over gums. – Cha. Chi-4/70
Parinama shula
: Vomitting is induced with leaf decoction of Priyangu. –  Cha. Su-26
 Priyangu is best for Jvara, which contains Madhur rasa, Shita virya Dha. Ni/Cha. Su-26

If bleeding does not stop, methods to stop it should be adopted, orifice of wound should be smeared with powder of Priyangu, Yasti, Masha etc. –A. H. Su 27/48.
Decreases Pitta. It comes under group Which mitigates pitta. A. H. Su 15/6

It cures chronic diahorrea, heal fractures, good for pitta, healing ulcers –A. H. Su- 15/37
It helps in unification of broken parts, fractures of bones, makes body stout, and hard to digest. –A. h. Su- 6/12
 is Shitala, tikta cures delusion, burning sensation, fever, vomiting and dyserasia.- Cha.chi.90
It is also used in rheumatic pain, colic tumors, dysentery, loss of appetite, blood disorders, bleeding disorders, Pittaprameha, skin disorder, general debility and poison.




Uses as per Ayurveda:
Bhagnasandhana Krut – useful in healing fractures
Brumhani – nourishing, nutritious

Indicated in –
Daurgandhya – bad odor
Sweda – excess sweating
Daha –  burning sensation, as in gastritis, neuropathy, burning sensation in eyes etc
Jwara – fever
Gulma – Tumors of the abdomen
Trushna – excessive thirst
Visha – Toxic conditions, poisoning
Moha – delusion
Vanti – vomiting
Bhranti – dizziness

Madhura – sweet

Rooksha – dry
Kashaya – astringent
Sheetala – coolant
Guru – heavy to digest
Vibandhakrut – causes constipation
Adhmanakrut – causes bloating
Balakrut – improves strength
Sangrahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhea, IBS
Kaphapitta jit – Balances Kapha and Pitta Dosha.

Adverse effects: No known adverse effect is reported or known after the use of Priyangiu

Ayurvedic medicines containing Priyangu:


  • Devadarvarishta: Devadarvarishta is an Ayurvedic medication, customarily used to treat skin sicknesses particularly happening because of entanglement of diabetes, trouble in passing pee and stomach related ailments.
  • Ushirasava: Ushirasava is a fluid Ayurveda medication utilized in rewarding draining issues, skin ailments, intestinal worms, fiery conditions and heaps.
  • Pippalyasava: It is a fluid ayurvedic medication utilized in rewarding hack, asthma, frailty, heaps and bad tempered entrail disorder.
  • Amroid balm: This is an exclusive ayurvedic medication valuable to treat heaps, draining per rectum and neighborhood irritation around the butt-centric opening.


Research articles on Callicarpa  macrophylla:

Against bacterial action: In this examination, scientists explored the ex vivo antibacterial movement of C. macrophylla stem ethanolic (SEE) and fluid concentrates (SAE) against different gram positive and gram negative strains. SEE have reasonably development inhibitory action against all the bacterial strains, yet outstandingly SAE was inert against all aside from Salmonella typhimurium.

Wound recuperating activity: In this current examination ethanolic polyherbal separate including that of C.macrophylla is screened for its phytochemical assessed in wound mending movement in Wister rodents by extraction wound model utilizing povidone iodine as a kind of perspective norm. From the outcomes it was discovered that Polyherbal ethanolic extricate have critical injury recuperating activity when contrasted with control and equipotent injury mending action when contrasted with standard povidine iodine.


Classical categorization:
Charaka –

Mutravirajaniya – group of herbs that colour and cleanse urine
Purisha samgrahaniya – group of herbs that increase bulk of stools

Sushruta – Priyangvadi gana, Anjanadi gana
Astanga sangraha – Anjanadi gana
Bhavaprakash Nighantu – Karpooradi varga
Dhanwantari Nighantu –Chandanadi varga
Kaiyyadeva Nighantu- Dhanya varga, Oushadhi varga
Raja Nighantu- Chandanadi varga


The drug Priyangu is first mentioned in Charaka samhita, useful in Raktapitta.

In Astanga sangraha, mentioned as Priyangvadi gana, Anjanadi gana.
In Sushruta samhita, mentioned under the same. It is Shitada, Kaphapittahara. It is useful in Jvara, Daha, Trishna, Gulma, etc.

By Nighantus:

  1. Dhanwantari Nighantu, it pacifies kaphaand pittadosha. Useful in burning sensation, headache, excessive perspiration, ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu: Includes Raktatisara, Jvara, Daha, Gulma, it is Kapapittajit and 
  3. Madanpal Nighantu, also describes as Raktasangrahaniya gana, Pittanashini, for Vrishya 
  4. Raja Nighantu, also includes gana’sas Mutra-virajaniyaPurish sangrahaniya.
  5. In Nighantu Ratnakar, described the varieties as named Gandhpriyangu, it is Shitain nature, useful in KeshyaDahapitta, Raktaruja, Vatagulma, visha, meha, meda, malastambhakar also 



Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

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