अटरूषकः - Adhatoda vasica
Name - आटरूषः
Botanical name - Adhatoda vasica
Description - Gregarious shrub, 1.3-3.1 m high, sometimes arborescent, growing up to 7 m high; leaves simple, petiolate, 20 cm by 7.5 cm, minutely pubescent; spikes terminal, 2.5-7.5 cm tong, often several together; flowers bracteate, bracteolate, white, 1.25 cm broad; capsules 1.8 cm long, pubescent, 4-seeded; seeds glabrous.
Chemical Constituents- Roots contain essential oil, alkaloids vasicinolene, vasicine, vasicinol, tritiacontane. Leaves contain alkaloids vasicine, 1-vascicinone, vasicinol, vasicinine, vasicoline, vasicolinone, adhatodine, anisotine, quinozoline alkaloids besides betaine, fats, resins, sugar, mucilage, vitamin C, essential oil containing limonene. Inflorescence contains vasicinone, vascinine and Beta-sitosterol. Flowers contain vascinine, Colouring matter in the flower includes luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol and alpha-amyrin, tritriacontane and Beta-sitosterol. Seeds contain fatty oil and resin. Aerial parts contain aliphatic hydroxy ketones, aliphatic alcohol. Plant contains alkaloids vasicoline, adhatodine vasicolinone and anisoline.
Use - The drug Vasaka comprises the fresh or dried leaves of the plant. The chief use of Vasaka is as an expectorant; it is given in the form of juice, syrup or decoction. It softens the thick sputum, facilitates its coming out and thus brings about quick relief in bronchitis. The expectorant activity is due to stimulation of bronchial glands. Larger doses can cause irritation and vomiting. Recent experiments have confirmed the usefulness of Vasaka. Leaves Acts on circulatory system, respiratory system, and on skin. Used in diabetes, cough, asthama, T.B., and skin diseases, emesis, antispasmodic and anemia due to bleeding.