अमरवल्लरी - Cassytha filiformis
Name - आकाशवल्ली
Botanical name - Cassytha filiformis
Description - A parasitic leafless twiner; stem pubescent or glabrous; spikes pubescent from the axils of scale-leaves; flowers bracteate, sessile, white, outer perianth lobes small, orbicular; berry very small
Chemical Constituents- Stem : cassyfiline, cassythidine cassythine, nantenine
Use - Traditional use : Plant : tonic, alterative, in bilious affections, chronic dysentery, urethiritis and skin diseases, insecticidal; powdered and mixed with gingili oil, it is used as hair tonic; mixed with butter and ginger, it is used for cleansing invertebrate ulcers; Juice of plant : mixed with sugar, considered as specific in inflamed eyes