असृग् - Anisomeles malabarica


Name - स्पृक्का

Botanical name - Anisomeles malabarica

Description - Erect, 1.3-6.0 m tall, branched herb; branches sometimes very stout, densely clothed with snow-white appressed trichomes; leaves opposite, short-petioled, 5-15 cm, basically oblong, very thick; flowers in verticillaster or lax-flowered branched cymes, bracts filiform, teeth very slender; calyx woolly, petals purple; nutlets pale.

Chemical Constituents- Plant (roots, stems, leaves and flowers) yield essential oil, anisomelic acid, ovatodiolide, diterpenes - malabaric acid, anisomelyl acetate, anisomellol, anisomelolide, crisilineol, betulinic acid and Beta-sitosterol.

Use - Infusion of leaves used in dyspepsia and fever accompanying teething in children. Decoction of the plant or its essential oil used in rheumatism

Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

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