कुकुन्दरः - Blumea lacera
Name - कुकुन्दरः
Botanical name - Blumea lacera
Description - Slender, very variable weed with a strong turpentine or camphor odour, 45-60 cm high; stem erect, simple or branched, covered with hairs and glands, often grey in the more silky forms; leaves alternate, petioled, obovate, toothed; heads in short axillary cymes and collected into terminal panicles, 0.8 cm in diameter, involucre of bracts narrow, covered with hairs; florets female and bisexual, yellow; achenes nearly tetragonous and not ribbed.
Chemical Constituents- Herb contains essential oil. Aerial parts contain stigmasterol, campesterol. Root and root bark contains lupeol, lupeol acetate, alpha-amyrin, stigmasterol, campesterol, Beta-sitosterol. Leaves contain flavones.
Use - Juice of leaves anthelmintic, particularly against thread worms. Herb used as a febrifuge, diuretic, anti-scorbutic