कुठॆरकः - Cedrela toona
Name - तूणी
Botanical name - Cedrela toona
Description - Phytography : Tree, up to 25 m; branchlets tomentose; leaves even-pinnate, up to 25 x 12 cm, leaflets 5-12 pairs, subopposite, oblong-lanceolate, thin, coriaceous, glabrous, petiole up to 5 cm; panicles terminal or axillary, 25 x 10 cm, peduncle 2 cm, pedicel up to 2 mm; flowers pentamerous, bisexual, white; capsules septifragal, 3x1.5cm, 5-valved; seed 25-30, oblong, 2 cm, thin-winged at both ends.
Chemical Constituents- Chemical contents : Bark: toonacilin, p-seco-tetranortriterpenoid and its 6-acetoxy derivatives, 23-(R,S)- and 21-(R,S)-hydroxy toonacilids; Wood : alloaromadendrene, cadalene, cadinene, cadinol, calacorene, calamene, copaenecubenol, fernesene,ceranylgeraniol, leucicyanidin, ledol, siderin.T-murolol, cedrelone, p-sitosterol; Flower : flavone glucoside, nyctanthin, Seed : bargapten, p-sitosterol, cedrelone, and 1.2-dihydro-cedrelone
Use - Traditional use : RABHA (of West Bengal): Leaf : in bronchitis; SANTAL : Stem : in gastric troubles; GARHWALI : (i) Bark : in dysentery, fever, as antiseptic, (ii) Fruit: as antiseptic. RAJANIGHANTU : it is pungent, bitter, nutritive, has sweet aroma and spermatopoietic property; used in burning sensation, dyserasia, headache and leucoderma. AYURVBDA : (i) Bark : in purifying blood, dysuria, chronic dysentery, it is antiperiodic, astringent, tonic and as external application for ulcers, (ii) Flower: emmenagogue, useful in menstrual disorders