कदल्याःपुष्पम् - Musa paradisiaca
Name - कदल्याःपुष्पम्
Botanical name - Musa paradisiaca
Description - Musa paradisiaca is a tall herb, Stoloniferous, cylindric plant reaching 25 ft. Oblong, green leaves 8 ft long, and 2 ft broad, Pendulous inflorescence reaching 4 ft long. Male flowers and bracts sub-persistent. Cylindric fruits are berries in several clusters, golden yellow or yellowish green in colour when ripe pulpy
Chemical Constituents- Plant contains glycoside sitoindoside IV, 14-methyl-9Beta, 19-cyclo-5-ergost-24(28)-en-3Beta-ol(I). Flowers contain diglycosides of delphinidin and cyanidin ( present in bracts). Unripe fruit contains starch. Fruit contains sugars, proteins albumin and globulin. Flesh of mature fruit contains tannin, also contain serotonin and norepinephrine in addition to dopamine and an unidentified catecholamine. Peel contains tannin
Use - The roots and stems are astringent and anthelmintic. Juice of the sheaths and stem is useful in otaglia and haemoptysis. Ripe fruits are demulcent, nutritive and mildly laxative. Fruit nutritious, and contipative if ripened totally, used in bleeding disorders, unripe fruit is used in diabetes with other medicines, flower is used in menorrhagia, stem juice is given in epilepsy and other neurological disorders. Root is used in tumors