कॆमुकम्  - Costus speciosus


Name - कॆमुकम्

Botanical name - Costus speciosus

Description - Succulent perennial herb with long leafy spirally twisted stems, 2-3 m high and horizontal rhizomes; leaves simple, spirally arranged, ob-lanceolate or oblong, glabrous above, silky pubescent beneath with broad leaf sheaths; flowers white, large, scented, in large terminal spikes; bracts bright red; fruits globose / ovoid capsules; seeds obovoid or semi-globose.

Chemical Constituents- Root contains aliphatic hydroxy ketones, diosgenin, triterpenes, starch, mucilage. Rhizome contains oxo acids, fatty acids, diosgenin, abscisic acid, saponins, corticosteroids. Rhizomes and stems contain tigogenin and diosgenin. Leaves contain alpha-amyrins, stearate, Beta-amyrin and lupeol. Seeds contain benzoquinones

Use - It is credited with purgative and tonic properties. The root is said to be purgative and is used in Uttar Pradesh as a tonic, antihelmintic and aphrodisiac. Root is also used in catarrh fever, cough, dyspepsia, worms, skin diseases and snakebites. This species is one of the indigenous sources for steroid synthesis; however, the percentage of diosgenin is lesser than in Dioscorea species. Alkaloids from rhizomes have been found to possess antispasmodic, cardiotonic, hydrocholeratic and diuretic activities; also depressant on central nervous system.

Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

Encyclopedia of Indian Medicinal Plants/Herbs mainly using in Ayurveda with good quality pictures and information like therapeutic usage of Medicinal Plants, cultivation, morphology, habitat, flower characters, Chemical content, parts used, research works etc.

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