चमरिकः - Bauhinia varigata
Name - रक्तकाञ्चनारः
Botanical name - Bauhinia varigata
Description - Phytography : Tree; leaves alternate, petiolate, simple, 2-cleft, cleavage runs down the quarter of the length from the apex, broader; corymbs lateral, few-flowered; flowers pure white or white variegated with red and yellow, 3.7-5.0 cm long; pods 15-30 cm long, 1.8- 2.5 cm wide, flat, hard, 10- to 15-seeded.
Chemical Constituents-
Use - Traditional use : NAGA : (i) Bark: in dysentery; KUMAONI: (i) Bark: in obesity, tumours, (ii) Flower: in tumours; GARHWALI : (i) Bark: in diarrhoea, indigestion, flatulence, skin diseases, snake bite, piles, malaria, (ii) Flower: in diarrhoea; SANTAL : (i) Flower-bud powder (with that of black pepper): to women for regulating vaginal discharges; TRIBES OFPURULIA (West Bengal): (i) Flower: in diarrhoea, intestinal worms; TRIBES OF SAGAR (Madhya Pradesh): (i) Bark: in leprosy, scrofula, skin diseases, syphilis, ulcers; TRIBES OFCHANDRAPUR (Maharashtra): Leaf: as laxative. AYURVEDA : (i) Root-decoction: in dyspepsia, (ii) Bark: astringent, tonic, in skin diseases, wounds, leprosy, anthelmintic, blood purifier, useful in bone TB, (iii) Flower-paste : appetiser, (iv) Flower-bud (dry): in piles, blood dysentery. Modern use : Extract of bark, bud and flower: anti-bacterial; Seed-extract: agglutinates human blood.