चाम्पॆयः - Mesua ferrea


Name - नागकॆशरः

Botanical name - Mesua ferrea

Description - This consists of the stamens of Mesua ferrea Linn. Of the Family Guttiferae.. However, in Tamil Nadu state and the adjacent. States two different materials are used as nagakesara, One Consists of the tender fruits of Cinnamomum wighti of the family Lauraceae. This is called as sirunagappoo in Tamil. The other is the fruits of Dillenia pentagyna roxb. Of the family Dilleniaceae. It is known as malabar nagakesara.

Chemical Constituents- It contains essential oil and bitter principle mesuol

Use - The drug is aromatic. A scent is extracted from this. It is astringent, stomachic and useful in Coughs.

Medicinal plants of India ; Ayurveda

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