पूगी--Areca catechu
Name - क्रमुकः
Botanical name - Areca catechu
Description - This consists of the seeds of Areca catechu linn of the Family Palmaceae. Tall trees topped by a crown of pinnate leaves. Fruits ovoid, orange or scarlet when ripe. Areca catechu a review---Variety :- 1.Tailvanam 2.Guhagaram 3.Gonta 4.Chedala 5.Velli 6. Chandrapura 7. Andradesha( Andra Pradesha) 8.Seri Part used Fruit, Root,Raw fruit,,Dry,Cooked,Cooked and dried, Ripened and raw, Ripe and dry, Young and raw, Center of fruit (tirulu), Chikkana, Gum of tree, Unripe, Leaves of tree,
Chemical Constituents- It contains choline, isoguvocine, and alkaloids arecaine, arecaidine, arecoline and Guvacine. Arecoline exerts nicotine like action on rabbit. Nut contains tannin, alkaloids, oil, polyphenols mainly flavonoids. Most important alkaloid is arecoline. Other alkaloids are arecaidine, arecolidine, guvacine, guvacoline, isoguvacine norarecaidine and norarecoline
Use - It is astringent, aphrodisiac, anthelmintic Nervine tonic, emmenagogue, vermifuge and taenifuge. It is useful in urinary disorders. Nuts used as a masticatory, fresh nuts intoxicating, juice of tender fruits laxative, burnt nuts used in dentrifice.