Gorakshaganja (Aerva lanata)
from kerala
Gorakshaganja- Aerva lanata is a plant mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of renal calculi, retention of urine, cough and sore throat. The plant has promise on anti HIV activity.
Latin name- Aerva lanata Juss.
Family- Amaranthaceae
Names in different languages:
Hindi name: Gorakhbuti or Kapuri jadi, Gorakshaganja, Gorkhabundi, Kapurijidi, chaya.
English name: Mountain knot grass
Bengali name: Chaya
Kannada name: Bilesuli, Bilihindi soppu
Malayalam name: Cherula, Cerula, Ceruvuta
Marathi name: Kapuri-madhura, Kapurmadhura, Kumrapindi , Kapurphuti
Punjabi name: Bui-kaltan (flowers as sold in bazaars)
Tamil name: Sirru -pulay –vayr, Cerupulai, Poolai
Telugu name: Pindi-kura, Pindi-chettu, Pindiuttu, Kondapindichettu
Gujarathi name – Bur, Kapurimadhuri
Assamese name – Bameha
Spanish name- Sanguinaria de cuba
Deccan name – Khul-Khul
Mundari- Cauliara
Sind- Bui
Trans- Indus-Azmei
Punjab- Baikallau
from Bhihar
Sanskrit Synonym:
Pashanabheda- That which destroys the stones
Morphology of Aerva lanata
Aerva lanata is a typical weed which develops wild wherever in the fields of India. The root has a camphor-like fragrance. The blossoms are viewed as bunches and are light green in shading. The dried blossoms which seem as though delicate spikes, are sold under the business names as Buikallan or Boor. The products of the soil are found in the long stretch of November to January. This spice is taken as an assortment of Pashanabheda in South India.
In axillary spicate clusters; white. Flowering from November-April.
A membranous urticle; seed inverse. Fruiting December onwards.
Field tips
Leaves closely alternate, appear decussate.
Leaf Arrangement
Alternate distichous
Leaf Type
Leaf Shape
Leaf Apex
Obtusely apiculate
Leaf Base
Leaf Margin
Medicinal Properties of Gorakshaganja:
Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light for digestion), Teekshna (Strong)
Vipaka – Katu (Undergoes Pungent taste after digestion)
Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)
Prabhava (Special action)- Ashmari bhedana (Destroys the stones)
Karma (Actions) – Kaphavata shamaka (reduces vitiated kapha and vata dosha)
from kerala
Part used- Root
Dosage- 50 to 100 ml of decoction
Goraksha ganja (Aerva lanata) grows throughout India in the plains upto 1000mts on the hills,Ceylon, Arabia,tropical Africa, Java, Philippines.
Chemical composition of Aerva lanata:
The plant contains palmitic acid, beta-sitosterol and alpha-amyrin. The flowering and fruiting parts contained hemicellulose, starch an acid- soluble polysaccharide & H2o soluble polysaccharides, monosaccharide contents of polysaccharides determined.
गोरक्षगञ्जा तुरा सतित्ता, लघ्वी च तीक्ष्णा परमोष्णवीर्या।
कफार्त्ति मूत्रविरेचनीया, प्रभावतोऽप्यश्मरिनाशनी स्यात् ॥ ( द्र. गु. वि)
from kerala
Uses of Gorakshaganja:
- The decoction of the foundation of Aerva lanata is given in a portion of 50-60 ml to treat renal calculi and maintenance of pee.
- Cold implantation of the entire plant is given in a portion of 30-40 ml to treat hack and sore throat.
- The dried leaf and blossoms of Gorakshaganja are singed and the smoke originating from it is utilized for inward breath to treat asthma and constant hack.
- The glue of the plant is applied over brow to treat cerebral pain.
- The glue of the root is made into decoction and given in a portion of 30 ml to treat gonorrhea.
- The cool imbuement of the foundation of Aerva lanata is given to pregnant ladies as tonic to improve the body quality.
Pharmacological actions
Anthelmintic – useful in intestinal worm infestation
demulcent & lithasis.
useful in cough, sore throat, indigestion, wounds & as specific for diabetes.
Decoction is efficacious diuretic & is useful in catarrh of bladders. It is said to cure diarrhea, cholera & dysentery.
Flowers are lithotryptic.
Adverse effects: No adverse effects are reported after the normal use of this herb.
Ayurvedic medicines containing Gorakshaganja:
Marma gulika: Marma Gulika is a tablet, used in Ayurvedic treatment of diseases of Marma places – vital organs, means, diseases related to heart, brain, urinary system etc. It is also used to treat external injury to vital organs of the body.
Ureaze tablet: It is a proprietary Ayurvedic medicine useful in the treatment of urinary tract infection and also acts like a diuretic.
Virataradi kashaya: It is a decoction used in the treatment of renal calculi, retention of urine and vata predominant diseases.