कङ्ककतिका - Abutilon indicum
Name - अतिबला
Botanical name - Abutilon indicum
Description - Shrub; leaves simple, petiolate, cordate, nearly entire or irregularly toothed, surface rough with closely felted white hairs, stipules deflexed; flowers axillary, pedunculate, epicalyx absent, yellow, 2.5 cm in diameter, opening in the evening; fruit of ripe carpels separating from the axis
Chemical Constituents- Plant contains fructose, galactose, n-alkane mixture, an alkanol fraction, beta-sitosterol, vanillic acid, p- coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, fumaric acid, p-b-D-glycoxyloxybenzoic acid, leucine, histidine, theronine, serine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and galacturonic acid; gossypetin-8 and 7-glucosides and cyanidin-3-rutinoside. Petals contain cyanidin-3-rutinoside, gossypetin-8-glucoside and gossypetin-7-glucoside
Use - Plant is cooling, demulcent, diuretic and aphrodisiac. It is used in gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea and scalding urine. Whole plant used as a febrifuge, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory, also in urinary troubles and lumbago. Bark astringent and diuretic. Leaf extract used as diuretic and demulcent. Root nervine tonic and antipyretic, also used in piles. Roots with chalmogra oil used for curing leucoderma. Seeds used as laxative and demulcent